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Networking Hardware

AccuPower Micro UPS Model 20

Emerson Computer Power

AccuPower Micro UPS Model 20 is a new generation of uninterruptible powersystem (UPS) designed specifically for microcomputer applications. Sixmodels continuously provide conditioned power to the critical load plusbackup power during a brownout or blackout condition. Each model's designhas been optimized to support and safeguard a specific class of computersfrom single-user desktop workstations to large LAN fileservers.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: UNIX interface kits, LAN interface kits purchased separately
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Emerson Computer Power
9650 Jeronimo Rd
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 457-3600
        (800) BACKUPS
Fax: (714) 457-3787